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Summer Jams 2017

Summer Jams 2017

So, 15 years ago I was living in Vancouver and "borrowed" 50 of my roommates blank CDs (thanks Frankie...) and made a summer mix and mailed them out to 50 friends all over the world. Something along the lines of "Hey - if we can't be hanging out together this summer we might as well be enjoying the same rocking tunes."



I haven't made a mix tape since. So in the spirit of summer and sweet rockin tunes, here you go. My "part II" to the summer mix. In the 15 years that's passed, my penchant for high octane days and nights has turned into backyard hangs with patio lights, rosé and crab - and I think the music here reflects that, but hey - it's where I'm at. 

 (Note: This is easy listening. Very. Best enjoyed outdoors with shoes off. And no, I haven't "hung up my rock n roll shoes" - if you want a rocker mix, lemme know and maybe we'll jimmy one up for Autumn...)

 Here's clinking my glass of extra dry rosé from Provence to you, pals. 
And a wonderful rest of summer 2017.

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