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At 18 Waits we love what we do.  That's why we do it.  Not only do we enjoy designing beautifully crafted garments for you to enjoy and cherish for seasons to come, but we also value the craftsmanship, thoughtfulness and care that go into every single garment that we produce.

We produce everything in Canada.  Some things we make ourselves - by hand - in our downtown Toronto studio.  Other items are made by our manufacturing partners throughout Toronto and Montreal.  In all, we work with five different factories, which with we enjoy great personal relationships.  We know by name the people who are sewing our clothing.  We know how their families are doing and they know about ours.  These arrangements don't come cheap - but we're not in the business of Fast Fashion.

Everything we do at 18 Waits is thoughtfully considered - especially the manufacturing.  There are so many talented hard-working people in Canada and the United States and some vital industries that used to be booming.  We're trying - in our own small way - to help revive these industries and encourage local manufacturing, quality and support.

Wear your values.  Use the power of your purchase.  Where you spend your money speaks volumes.  

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